In a way, this incident, which I read about just the other day, is a perfect illustration of the insidiousness of these both sides-laws. In a way, I'm glad this happened, because it shows what happens when the laws are taken at face value. Of course, say the law's framers, we did not mean that schools should teach Holocaust denialism. Of course there aren't two sides to that story.
But you know what? If you read these laws, which have passed in more than one state, strictly as written then you are left with the inescapable conclusion that anything that might be perceived as controversial must be taught as controversial. And in certain despicable circles, the Holocaust is actually controversial. There's no getting around that.
The laws were written to pander to so-called controversy to stop America's true history of racism from being taught in schools. That's the purpose. That they then lead to Holocaust denialism being given a "fair place" in classrooms shows us how profoundly dysfunctional the laws are in the first place.
The atrocities of American chattel slavery are not a matter of controversy among academics. The atrocities happened, they are part of our history, and they must be taught, because all of us and our children must know our history.
The controversy exists only in the minds have people uncomfortable with our history or people who are actually overtly racist and want to cover that history up.
These new laws they're passing help them do that. At the same time, they enable Holocaust denialism, which should show everyone how toxic the laws really are.
Educators should never bow down to those who labeled history controversy.