I'm thinking of the white teenager, about 14 years old who looks about 12, who was stimming in a public park while waiting for his mother to finish running an errand.
The cops saw the stimming, and for some reason interpreted it as gang signs or drug activity. I don't know why, doesn't make a lot of sense.
The kid told the cop he was stimming. The cop beat the s*** out of him. Beat the holy living f*** out of it. Threw him against a tree, and knocked him unconscious for a short time. The cop looked like a giant beating up a rag doll.
All of it caught on video, as the mother screams that the kid is profoundly disabled.
I can't tell you how many videos I watch of white people being viciously brutalized and even killed by cops. I’m thinking of two elderly white men not guilty of any crime, who recently had their heads smashed into the pavement by cops and eventually died, one because he didn't want to hand over identification that he wasn't legally required to hand over, the other because he was very ill and the cop left to the false conclusion that he was high on drugs. The cops investigated themselves in both incidentes and found that they had done nothing wrong — despite that they violently killed two elderly men.
Of all the videos I watch every day of cops brutalizing people, the majority of them are of white people. Of course, that makes sense because white people are in a large majority in the United States. Black people are certainly disproportionately brutalized by cops, though.
Certainly, we need to be especially proactive when it comes to racist cops, because their targeting Black people makes everything so much worse.
But I don't think people truly understand how vicious and brutal cops are — to all segments of society. When we talk about it being only or almost only a problem with how cops brutalize Black people, I think we can lose sight of how really terrible things have gotten.
We can lose sight of how cops are much more heavily armed and armored than they used to be, how they are trained to resort to brutality at practically the drop of a pin, how qualified immunity doctrines shield them from responsibility in ridiculous ways, and how how cop culture in this country has metastasized into something truly evil and cancerous.
Yes, it's a huge and disproportionate problem for Black people, but nobody is safe from the cops — who will brutalize you for almost nothing.
Because that's what they're trained and expected to do. And it's what their cops peers cheer and applaud them for.
We all have an enormous problem on our hands.