I'm thinking back to that time in 1991 when my partner Lenny and I were gay bashed in Greenwich Village. We were out walking around late at night at the end of Christopher Street by the pier. A group of young men saw us holding hands, and that was enough for them to get physically aggressive and then violent.
I'm thinking about what you wrote about men being more acceptable targets of violence, and that rings true. Of all the bashings that Queer Nation responded to, of all the bashings that the Pink Panthers patrolled against in the 90s, almost all of them were bashings of gay men, even though lesbians were very present in the Village and other parts of lower Manhattan caught up in a wave of gay bashings.
Don't hit girls.
That's a powerful taboo in our society. When men physically assault gay men, it's not because men are oppressed, obviously. It's because we're too much like women in their minds.
We get attacked not because we're men, but because we "betray" manhood.
I don't think anybody would ever think that was misandry.