I'm so happy you found your people!
Back when I was young, when dinosaurs roamed of the Earth, finding our people, creating our chosen families, was was a lot different than it is today.
We didn't have social media; hell we didn't have the Internet. Those of us who could manage it discovered or created physical community, often by moving long distances to study or work.
Today's world for queer young people seems a lot healthier, though still very challenging.
I've read reports from queer youth organizations lately that discuss the ups and downs of online socializing. I guess there's a tendency to over-rely on it, even though it's really necessary in lots of circumstances. Serious people are studying the issue seriously.
It looks to me like you're trying to find a balance? Finding strength and support online, then trying to extend that into the physical world?
You have all my best wishes! I hope we hear more about your journey.