I'm really worried about the denial of injunctive relief to people not directly involved in the lawsuit. I'm not a lawyer either, of course, but this is really big deal, according to lawyers who practice federal law. This is highly unusual, and it imposes a severe burden on on the families of trans kids in Idaho, who will have to file their own (often very expensive) lawsuits if they wish to continue their healthcare while the courts occupy themselves with the merits of the case. It feels very much like the Supreme Court is narrowing customary protections for marginalized people suffering from the tyranny of the majority.
I very much appreciate you sticking to the basics here, though.
Trans kids are not people anyone needs to be afraid of. Families do not need legislative help to raise their children and follow the advise of their own doctors.
This moral panic needs to die down so people can live in peace, free to exercise their own consciences.