I'm reading this on Christmas Eve more than 2 months after you initially published it on Medium, and choosing as a gay man to receive it as a message of Christian acceptance.
How to start contrast to the messages of extremist hate that the Catholic Church is broadcasting in my home state of Michigan. In the space of just over a week, the church has demonstrated in two instances its extremist hate of us queer people.
In the first, a bishop has denied sacraments to every transgender person and every gay person in a relationship in our state's upper peninsula. LGBT q people in upper Michigan have effectively been kicked out of the Catholic Church.
In the second, the state Catholic bishops conference have a nice day are filing an amicus brief with the Michigan Supreme Court urging them not to recognize the US Supreme Court's "Bostock" reasoning that discrimination based on sex is discrimination against LGBTQ people. They want our civil Rights commission to stop prohibiting discrimination against gay people and transgender people.
Is it any wonder that so many of us queer people think Christians are among the worst people in the world? That we passionately despise Christianity and Christians?
Your faith tradition has a long terribly evil history, and I'm glad to see you speaking up against it. More people need to do that, to reject the hatred and evil at the heart of your religion.