I'm not going to bother you with links, because you can use Google for yourself. But she has been excommunicated, and to say that she's ignorant about the Church? Why would you insult her intelligence like that? Women who disagree with the Church are too stupid to know what they're talking about? Puhleeze, Mary. Stop being ridiculous.
The Catholic Church is incredibly sexist and homophobic, pushing toxic and incredibly harmful beliefs and practices. Madonna has fought against that. She's a genuine hero. The Catholic hierarchy hates her for it, and I love her for it. Because the Catholic hierarchy are foul, cruel, homophobic, sexist pigs.
They're such a vast disconnect between the evil priests and bishops who run the Church in the United States and most Catholic laypeople, who tend to be pretty decent.
The fact that the Catholic hierarchy hates Madonna is a good reason to tell the world that Madonna is a fabulous person. Because the Catholic hierarchy are scum.