I’m afraid you’re missing a good bit of the story here. However the term Uranian originated, for much of the time of its currency it was not a slur and it did not refer to hermaphrodites.
The Uranian movement was a serious movement of gay and transgender (as they would probably call themselves today) academics working to understand gender and sexual diversity. The Uranian movement probably led to, and certainly overlapped, the existence of the Bloomsbury literary movement, of which Virginia Woolf was one of the most well-known members.
Most of the Bloomsbury set were also gay, bisexual or transgender in today’s parlance and also defended gender and sexual diversity. They were in that respect quite revolutionary.
The Uranians and the Bloomsbury group undoubtedly positively influenced German thinkers in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, helping to spark the very first gender and sexual liberation movement in modern history.
While the Nazis destroyed that movement in the late 1930s, many academics believe that without it, The LGBTQ liberation movement in the English-speaking world of the late 20th century would either not have happened or would have been greatly delayed.