I'll never forgot the time, a little more than a year ago now, that I interviewed an older teenager and his mother — on the very day he was released from the hospital after his second suicide attempt. (His mental health team approved the interview. In fact, one of them suggested he tell his story as part of his therapy.)
The situation was very much the same as what I read in that story you're commenting on here.
Mom and Dad were convinced that their queer son was sinning and rejecting Jesus. They refused to affirm him, and they went a step further by forcing him into religious counseling he did not want.
After his first suicide attempt, his parents relented briefly, then changed their minds and doubled down on their rejection, not that they called it rejection.
Mom didn't wake up until after the second suicide attempt, which almost succeeded. When she found her son lying apparently lifeless on his bedroom floor, she had a life-altering epiphany — if her religious beliefs were killing her son, then something was wrong with her religious beliefs.
That epiphany got her fired from the Baptist church where she was the pastor's secretary, which actually reinforced her view that something was wrong with her religious beliefs, something profoundly wrong.
Within 2 or 3 months, the family moved a thousand miles away, changed their Christian denomination affiliation, and they're now supporting their son through his first year at university, where he is thriving.
I don't think either of them has ever asked if they love Jesus more than their son. What a question!