If there's anything more disgusting and evil than a gay Republican, I can't imagine what it would be.
Look at this guy trying to spread disrespect to gay people who don't settle down with one partner in monogamy. He's passing moral judgment on us, and then whinging that we don't accept him.
Plenty of gay people are monogamous just like plenty of gay people choose a different way of forming relationships. All of those gay people are accepted in queer communities.
Yes, of course we detest Republicans, because they have a long sordid history of detesting us. He speaks of activists in the late '60s, and even though his timing is off due to his failing to educate himself and he probably really means the '70s, he doesn't have the faintest idea what he's talking about with respect to marching.
I knew many of those people. They were my late partner's contemporaries. (My partner was 20 years older than me.)
They marched to demand freedom, and end to oppression and persecution. An end to sexual judgmentalism.
The same kind of disgusting judgmentalism this guy is preaching as he condemns us as "lustful." What disgusting religious horseshit that is.
And I wonder what he feels about Republican values criminalizing abortion? A woman died the other day, bled out, because of one of those disgusting Republican laws.
It's beyond me how any decent human being can support that sickening, evil political party.
The only thing I feel toward gay Republicans is extreme contempt and the utmost personal disrespect.
And if this guy has a problem with it, he should start learning how to be a better, more decent human being. He gets to live how he wants, and he can snap his filthy snout shot condemning the rest of us for our own free choices.
If he feels despised, it's because of his explicit and explicit condemnation of queer people.