"If it's insisting that some oppressed people acknowledge that they aren't as oppressed as others and should shut up about their oppression, the outcome is disastrous."
I'm sincerely having a hard time parsing this sentence. I'm seeing two or three possible meanings given its vague construction. Could you possibly use different words to explain what it means? Or maybe examples?
Nor do I know what you mean when you assert that opposing oppression can reinforce the bases for oppression. Sorry, clueless here. I oppose my own oppression and the oppression of other LGBTQ people by asserting our full humanity and demanding equity because we are we are human. If that reinforces a basis or some bases for oppression, I don't know how.
One thing I think I do understand about your comment is that you believe oppression of LGBTQ people is motivated by greed rather than ideological or personal bigotry. I'm almost certain you're wrong about that. The discrimination and mistreatment I've experienced in life have not been misdirected stand ins for greed directed by plutocrats.
The toxins and bigotry that have harmed me have been caused by genuine, sincere cultural beliefs (usually religious) -- belief that must be fought against on their own terms, often theologically. always with storytelling and empathy engagement.
We queer folks won't stop being oppressed until most people stop believing we are disordered versions of "better" people.