I wrote an article yesterday that included a story about a student ripping student-made history-project posters off a corridor in his high school. They were part of a history class assignment about the Civil Rights era. He disapproved of the handful of posters that mentioned of the gay rights movement of the 60s and 70s.
His mother complained about the posters to a conservative Christian school board member. She was particularly upset about them because her own daughter had just come out to her as gay and she didn't want her daughter to see anything in school supportive of that.
So now the school board is busy devising a policy to ensure that class projects can no longer include supportive mentions of gay rights.
The board's efforts are probably overkill, because their state government (Florida) is busy passing a law that will do the same thing – banning teaching true history in school. Real, honest-to-God definitional fascism.
That's where we are right now.