I will never forget the mother and teenage son I interviewed more than a year ago, hours after the son was released from the hospital after his second serious suicide attempt.
The mother, a devout Baptist from Texas, was so homophobic that she did everything in her power to try to force her son into therapy to make him straight. She took him to doctors, counselors, and preachers in a useless attempt to change who he was.
He couldn't take it, so he tried to take his own life. Mom didn't change her mind.
Then he tried to take his life again.
Finally, she "got" it. She had some sort of epiphany. She realized that loving her son mattered more than her religious ideology.
After the second time he tried to take his own life.
The family are doing fine now. They actually left Texas to get the kid out of a hostile environment and into a place where he can be openly gay without risking scorn and disapproval.
After his second suicide attempt.
After his second suicide attempt.
Let the cock crow thrice.
After his second suicide attempt.