I watched body cam video not long ago of a police officer violently assaulting an elderly, very small and slight Vietnamese immigrant. The old man's crime? He was arguing with the cop over a ticket the cop was writing, and he touched the cop lightly on the chest with his index finger.
For that, the cop picked him up, threw him to the ground, and broke his skull, landing him in the hospital for an extended stay, from which he is not expected to fully recover.
Just yesterday, I saw a news update. The cop had originally been charged with assault himself, but the state's attorney general threw the charges out, claiming the cop had acted appropriately and according to his training.
Yeah, breaking an old man's skull for daring to touch him on the chest with his index finger.
The old man was originally charged with assault, although the prosecutor dismissed those charges. I imagine he was aware of how challenging it would be to get a jury to convict a man for touching somebody with his index finger.
Nonetheless, when cops charge something with assault against a law enforcement officer like in this case, the "assault" is often not assault in the way that any ordinary person would understand it.
The results of this proposed law could be horrific.