I was assigned to read the entire diary in the 8th or 9th grade (I forget which) in Iowa. But the passages you refer to had been excised, straightwashed. I didn't know about them until a few years ago. How ironic, given that the Nazis sent gay and transgender people to the death camps.
LGBTQ people were victims of the Holocaust, and we remained victims even after the Allies liberated the camps. Inmates with pink triangles were often NOT liberated, but were sent to serve sentences in German prisons as criminals. The law that criminalized homosexuality was not overturned in Germany until 1994, and while some queer victims of the Holocaust were eventually offered reparations, the drive to do so came far too late for most, who had already died of old age when the initiative began.
And now, conservative Americans demand to continue straightwashing Anne Frank. How vile of them. How shameful, evil, and morally repugnant.
Land of the Free and Home of the Brave? These days one might suppose that the U.S. is the land of book banning, of suppressing the voices of anyone who disagrees with the twisted worldviews of conservative Christians, who have turned the loving, inclusive teachings of Jesus into a religion of ignorance, hatred, and oppression.