I used to own a business in Hamtramck, Michigan. Two of my business partners were Americans of Arab descent who happen to belong to a branch of Christianity that’s among the oldest on the globe.
Hamtramck is a majority-Muslim community made up of immigrants from places as diverse as Bangladesh, Yemen, and Bosnia.
Lots of white people, Arab people, and South Asian people filled the streets and shops. Any of them could have been Muslim. But they didn’t look alike at all.
Some women wore stylish scarves as hijabs. Some more niqabs. Others did not cover their hair at all.
Some prayed strictly five times a day, others were more private with their devotions. Some kept dietary laws strictly, others were more casual, including the family that ran the diner where I often had breakfast.
I wish more people could experience that kind of diversity and get over the idea that Muslims must look or act a particular way.