I too experienced Limbaugh through trips with my dad. Sometimes we would drive hundreds of miles together and he’d want Rush on the radio whenever we could dial him in.
My dad was an opinionated but kind person, so I could never understand what he saw in Rush, who seemed the antithesis of kind.
You’ve nailed uncomfortable truths.
Fortunately sometime toward the end of Obama’s second term, my dad had enough and turned Rush off. I think he finally realized what he was listening to — racist rants disguised as conservative politics.
A staunch Republican, my dad did not vote for Trump in 2016. I’d like to believe it’s for the same reason he stopped listening to Rush. I’d like to believe he rejected the racism and fascism both stood for.
Dad passed away at the end of the summer, so he didn’t have a chance to vote again, but he told me he would probably vote for Biden, the first time he ever would have voted for a Democrat.
The big question now is how many more people like my dad will reject blatant racism and fascism. Will Ditto heads and their ilk remain a potent force in politics, or will their numbers dwindle?
For the United States, that’s in some ways an existential question.