"I think the best way I could put it is “intensity of signal” vs. 'likelihood that the signal is adopted.'”
Could you expound? What does "signal" mean in this context and what what does "adopted" mean? I'm afraid I'm not receiving clear meaning from the sentence. I'm trying to guess, which is probably not what you intend. Could you just write exactly what you mean?
The point that I am trying to make is based on the dozens of comments I've received from people saying they know or strongly suspect this preacher is a closeted LGBTQ person. My point is that message is false and flawed. We have no way of knowing that and, in fact, the vast majority of people who are strongly anti-LGBTQ are not closeted LGBTQ people.
Claiming otherwise, especially with zero evidence, is counterfactual and counterproductive.
This movement of churches is preaching traditionalist Christian doctrine that was mainstream until relatively recently. We should be countering those teachings, not making evidence-free assertions that movement leaders are secretly gay.
I don't believe most of the leaders of the movement are secretly gay and I don't believe evidence will demonstrate to the contrary.