I live near Grand Rapids. This case has been talked about a lot around here, and practically every opinion I hear is that "people like that" should know not to run from police. What that means of course is that Black people should know better than to run from cops.
People around here aren't upset about Lyoya's death. They're okay with it. They think Black people who run from cops deserve to be shot and killed. That's why more training is a very questionable solution to the crisis of cops killing Black men.
Only a radical restructuring of the rules of use of force, and severe accountability in the form of prison sentences for killer cops are going to turn things around.
The attitudes that lead to these killings are too deeply ingrained in white people, especially around here, for some 10-hour "training" seminar to make any difference. The more cops you put on the street, the more Black people are going to die, until real radical reform starts to take place.