I learned this from personal experience when my business partner's brother decided he believed in the flat earth conspiracy theory. My business partner and I conducted many scientific experiments with him to demonstrate that the earth must be spherical. We went so far as to buy a sextant. (Don't ask, lol)
But even though he spent the better part of several weeks with us doing experiments and looking at facts, he never changed his closely held view that the earth must be flat and the powers that be are lying about it for some kind of personal gain.
One thing I noticed with all this was going down is that his family is pretty into conspiracy theories, anyway. Just not that one.
They're very conservative Evangelical Christians for the most part, and they're into many of the conspiracy theories you addressed in this article.
I can't help but notice that very conservative Christians and Muslims seem particularly susceptible to conspiracy theories.
I believe It's worth asking if their particular religious worldviews (magical thinking) encourage people to discard facts and evidence and to rely on things like faith and emotions instead.
I think so. I think that's part of the explanation, and part of the reason that conservative Christians in the United States are so into denying facts.