I know Bethany has withdrawn from international adoptions. I also know they took some hits from the left for accepting child refugees during the Trump “child separation” era. But it’s hard to fault them (or any agency) for sheltering a child separated from their parents. It’s not Bethany’s fault that the Trump Administration made that necessary, and they spoke up to denounce the policy.
I don’t see how any of that relates to trafficking.
In the above article, you can read about a Republican state rep in TN accusing Bethany in Sept 2021 of trafficking, on grounds that appear to be purely manufactured for Republican political purposes. First, because the Right is furious with Bethany over the LGBTQ decision last March. Second, because Bethany stood up to oppose Trump migrant policies with respect to family separation
Note that this state rep accuses Bethany of supporting the Biden administration. That’s his main beef, it seems.
Somebody has to shelter migrant children who arrive in the US without their parents or who are taken from their parents. You have a legitimate beef complaining about the policies that make that necessary, but not against an agency trying their best to care for the children.