I just trip over the incongruence of your story. You celebrate your own relationship in part one, then in part two, you say that if you had the chance, you would use the power you've accumulated since then to stop a similar relationship at work if you thought it was happening.
Frankly, and please, I don't mean this in a personally negative way, that sounds to me like bullying.
It would be one thing if you had written that you would set about to assure yourself that the younger partner in the relationship wasn't being hurt. To me, it's another thing altogether to exercise power to interfere in the private lives of adults who are free moral agents.
I hear what you're saying about the potential for abuse, I just don't agree with the proposed solution - which I think should start and stop with concern and advice.
I don't think any human being should ever have or exercise the power to stop another human being's private relationships. (Exceptions for criminal conduct of course. But even then, when I was 25 in the Air Force, dating that civilian man was a criminal act that could have seen me thrown in military prison - so I'm not all that automatically disposed to obeying the law.)