I have not yet had a chance to see Hamilton, crazy as that is considering how much of a musical theater fan I used to be. But I think you make a very good point about real life events constraining storytelling.
I have been working with a screenwriter to adapt a real life story that I serialized on Medium. As a novelist, I used lots of traditional techniques to give the story zing and punch. But it wouldn’t cooperate by fitting into a conventional arc. And I couldn’t figure out how to shoehorn it.
So the screenwriter and I decided in the end to package it as a “based on true events” story, not as a documentary or biography.
That gave us the liberty to change some details not constrained by things that actually happened.
I used to wonder why people did that with books and films, not really understanding that storytelling is a special art form. Now I get it.
I’m sorry Hamilton didn’t do it for you. Now I feel like subscribing to Disney Plus and see what I think about it.