I have never, since I was a small child, been able to make moral sense of the fact that the accident of the geography of someone’s birth determines what rights they have and how well they will live.
What right do any of us humans have to create artificial lines and deprive people because of them?
When I became an adult, I fell in love with a man from halfway around the world. We wanted desperately to be together, but because of the nonsense of artificial borders, we had to go through hell and back in order to achieve that. If I had invested the tens of thousands of dollars we would eventually spent to be together …
At least we had it to spend, which is more than many people can say.
It didn’t make any moral sense then and it doesn’t make any moral sense now.
And he was Australian! Imagine if he had been one of those “lesser people" from Donald Trump’s s******* countries.
And that’s the real damage of borders. They make some people more and some people less. And that’s just wrong.