I don’t know if you’re aware of this, but the U.K. recently banned a Demi Lovato album poster because it feature an image of herself reclining on a cross. As a queer woman, she was obviously commenting on her toxic relationship with Christian institutions, but Christians complained that the cross in the image is "sacrilegious," so she was forced to scrap her as campaign in Britain.
By the way, speaking of the Inquisition, the contemporary version ruled just a couple years ago that Catholic priests may not "bless" same-sex couples because "God cannot bless sin."
I was heartened to see the German-speaking Catholic world give the Vatican the middle finger over that, with priests and bishops all over Germany and Austria holding public (often televised) blessing ceremonies. Even Dutch and Belgian churches got involved.
But the Vatican has doubled down on hate, demonstrating clearly that they intend to keep fighting against basic dignity and equality for queer people.
Yeah, when I see a Christian cross, the first thing that enters my mind is Christian hate.
When I see a Christian cross, I sometimes shudder involuntarily while thinking about the hateful ways Christian institutions have treated me and my queer loved ones.