I don't know. I don't see it. I see queer people communicating authentically and well. Here at P&P, anyway, we're sticklers about explaining esoteric in-group language and abbreviations and so forth. I even insist on spelling out terms that most queer people are very familiar with, like HRT and BIPOC or POC. We don't want to be even perceived as cryptic. The only viewpoints we don't accept in our publication are viewpoints that offend the dignity and/or humanity of marginalized groups. We do err on the side of caution sometimes, but that's hardly a failing, I think; and we reject fewer than 1% of the stories submitted to us.
I sense you're annoyed that we recently rejected one of your stories. I believe it was a well intentioned piece, but it was filled with seriously sexist language and jokes that I referred to as "third rail" when I took a pass on the piece -- which literally every P&P editor suggested I do.
Making serious, well intentioned points with humor, as I believe you were trying to do, can often backfire. We believed that many people would misunderstand your intentions and become very angry. Maybe we were wrong, but striving not to give offense to women in sexist terms seems to me to be a noble effort.
You might call that censorship, but we call it being sensitive.