I don’t have all the numbers in front of me right now, but if you look into that GLAAD report, you’ll find the number of films containing LGBTQ characters isn’t really the most interesting metric. A film can have one throwaway gay character with two lines and be counted as a film with a gay character.
Some of the other ways they measure include character count and line count. In both of those measures, LGBTQ people appear in film less often than they do in real life.
Besides quantitative analysis, GLAAD also looks at qualitative issues like, does a gay character appear in a film solely to have a tragic ending, does he advance negative stereotypes about gay people, etc. By those qualitative measures, they find the studios are generally doing a better job now than in the past, but not doing a great job.
Outside of gay white men, things are worse in film. Last year, no transgender character appeared in a studio film. And while gay white men are being represented more, gay people of color are being represented less. Lesbians get fairly short shrift as usual.
The latest GLAAD report recognizes progress, however. Things are getting better, but film still does not represent society.