I don't disagree with you, but people constantly tell me that I may not disparage religious ideas, even when they're harmful to queer people. (Or to other marginalized people, thinking of albino people in Africa who are mistreated by traditional religious believers there.)
And of course, we should be able to mention that Catholic (and other Christian) condemnation of queer people is superstitious and baseless. Because it is superstitious and baseless. These are simply made up ideas that people choose to believe because they want to for whatever reason.
They say that they believe we're depraved and disordered because it's in some ancient books, or because of some theological contriving that's really important to them. But in the end, it's nothing but superstitious foolishness.
They are superstitious fools.
We should be treating them like that, and not respecting them because their superstitious foolishness (which is exactly what it is) takes on the label of "religion," and is therefore protected, even especially protected with a marginalized status.
My ideas don't get protected like that, because I'm not religious. So I don't get any of that super-special religious privilege that puts puts my ideas off limits to criticism.
All I'm saying is that religious ideas and practice should be elevated above no other human ideas or practices.
Religion should not be special, but it is.
And that's wrong.