I didn't know that about Orwell! But knowing it kind of reinforces how I view his work. I cite him quite a lot in reference to hypocritical (Orwellian) redefinition of words, like when conservative Christians say they love LGBTQ people while arguing that they need to persecute LGBTQ people.
Recently, Esther Spurrill-Jones wrote an article for Prism & Pen calling out a terrifying op-ed in the Christian Post urging Christians to engage politically so they can pass laws like in Uganda to imprison and execute gay and trans people. (Seriously, no hyperbole on my part in the least!)
The author of that op-ed said Christians must realize that laws like that are expressions of love.
That's what I mean by Orwellian redefinitions of words, a human trait that Orwell observed is common in government action, and a sign of authoritarian we must all watch out for. He illustrated that well in his novel 1984.
Learning that Orwell himself was susceptible to a common human failing does not make me less likely to continue to be watchful for that failing and its consequences. If anything, it makes me more likely.