I did read the piece. I’m telling you that transgender people and other LGBTQ people have put decades into thinking about why we present gender publicly the way we do.
And here you come as a cis/straight person telling us that we are being too complicated and that we need to do things differently.
Here you come as a cis/straight person telling us you know better than we know.
You don’t. You are wrong.
We don’t need your preaching. Think about that, be quiet for a while and think about that.
Educate yourself before you start pontificating about things you don’t know anything about. Cure your ignorance. Do some reading. Interact with trans people and activists. ASK them why the customs have developed the way they have.
Surely you don’t presume those customs are just an accident? Or that we’re just too stupid to do things right without your advice?
Give me a break.