I could say the same, I guess. Drag is an art form has never much moved me. I get it. I appreciate it in principle. My late husband adored drag, and I'd go with him to watch drag shows sometimes.
But if I had my druthers, I'd go to a folk-music concert or read a good novel before I'd go to a drag show, unless I was going to show moral support.
I'm not sure why drag doesn't move me. I'm sure that in my youth, internalized homophobia had something to do with it. (I realized I was gay at 11 or 12 years old during the Anita Bryant Save the Children campaign, so ... plenty of internalized homophobia.)
But over the decades, I've come to realize it's okay to have different artistic tastes. I'm not one for stand-up comedy either, and that doesn't have anything to do with internalized homophobia.
But as Alex Mell-Taylor writes this morning in Prism & Pen, growing up in the middle of anti-queer moral panics f@cks with queer people's heads.
I'll never be completely sure how much internalized homophobia still messes with me. I'm sure it does sometimes, and all any of us can do is what you've done so well here: examine ourselves closely, and talk about it with one another.
So, thanks!