I certainly have heard! And thanks for your story with more information.
I'd been noticing for months that the quality of Pink News journalism was declining. I used to rely on them for hard-hitting investigative journalism tackling stories in both the UK and the US. They used to be one of my most reliable sources of news barely covered by the mainstream press.
But lately, their stories more and more focus on celebrities, glitz, entertainment, and social media influencers.
At first, I tried to tell myself that Pink News were just looking for ways to frame queer news in a way that would draw people in. That the glitz was just icing; the real cake was their hard journalism.
I don't think that anymore. Because I'm barely seeing journalism anymore, with the exception of fluffy entertainment journalism.
After seeing the revelations about the owner wishing to de-emphasize trans issues, it all snaps into focus.
The queer community has lost so much with the demise of Pink News and solid journalism. It's tragic, really, and another symptom of the ongoing, global anti-LGBTQ backlash.