I can't wrap my mind around the psychology of it, why some men think sending pictures of their engorged penises is just a peachy thing to do.
I get pictures like that! Unsolicited. Pretty damn often. For no reason except that I post links to my Medium articles on social media.
I can't figure it out. It's like some gay dude thinks, hey, I'm going to send this picture of my penis to this other gay dude who writes about current events in politics. Yeah, I think that's going to work for me. He's going to be so entranced by a photo of my naked erection that ...
I can't fucking figure out how to finish that sentence. Beats me! I mean, what really happens when I get an unsolicited photo like that is I block the sender.
What is it about men thinking this is a good idea? Do they get off on it somehow?
Women have it a lot worse than I do, of course. There are far more straight men in the world, after all, than gay men. Literally every woman I personally know who has a significant presence on social media gets bombarded with unsolicited dick pics.
Straight women, gay women, young women, elderly women. Women of all backgrounds, body types, conventional attractiveness levels, etc.
Pop your head up on social media for more than just a moment, and somebody's likely to send you a picture you really don't want to see.