I agree with what you’ve written about why these corporations are a big problem, Natalia. What I don’t understand is why you don’t want straight/cis people shouting these corporations down.
As a long-time LGBTQ advocate and activist, I urge our allies to raise their voices up against these corporations and insist that they stop rainbow washing.
We are too small a minority to do this on our own. The evil jerks who run Walmart are not going to stop funding anti-LGBTQ politicians unless a wave of voices raises up against their repugnant moral conduct.
That wave will not be accomplished by only LGBTQ people. There just aren’t enough of us.
When Alexandra Tsuneta wrote the article you mention, I shared it all over Twitter and Facebook, and I encouraged every allied straight/cis person I know to publicly vilify the corporations in her article.
When I wrote my own callout of the top 25 corporate offenders, I did so urging straight/cis allies to join me in shaming and shouting down the men and women who lead those corporations. My voice isn’t loud enough without allies.
Anti-LGBTQ politicians must start facing the loss of corporate donations. They need to feel the consequences of their politics in their pocketbooks. They need to start understanding that if they sponsor repugnant laws, they’ll pay a monetary price.
For that to happen, we need MORE cis/straight people condemning rainbow capitalism, not fewer cis/straight people.
I urge all our allies to to do the opposite of what you suggest. I urge them to raise their voices up as loudly as they can to condemn the hypocritical actions of corporations that donate to anti-LGBTQ politicians even as they fly rainbow colors.
Further, I urge our allies to join us loudly demanding that HRC change its standards and stop awarding ally status to anti-LGBTQ corporations like Walmart, CVS, and the like.