I absolutely understand the temptation. Given the vicious language Catholic nuns, priests, and bishops affirm about us, pointing out their own history of repugnant conduct feels necessary for balance, doesn’t it? I don’t think I can ever get over being called depraved and disordered by nuns, priests, and bishops, which is why I hate them with a burning, unrelenting passion.
I try very hard not to tie the clerical abuse scandal to their repugnant beliefs, even though the temptation is strong. What Catholic nuns, priests, and bishops believe and teach about me and the LGBTQ people I love is sick and twisted all on its own. Their doctrines are so disgusting that I would hope just airing them would be enough to cause people of good will everywhere to roar for immediate reform — like what courageous Catholic clergy in German-speaking countries have been demanding,
Sadly, I know that those roars are unlikely to rise. Which makes me unspeakably said and furious at the same time.