Hey again. Prism & Pen exists to amplify queer voices by publishing fiction, poetry, and essays. That's a pretty broad remit, of course, and we actually are (by intent) very eclectic. Most of what we publish these days is non-fiction, and probably a bit more than half of that is personal memoir --the rest being commentary on current events, politics, entertainment, etc.
Our regular writers range from 79 years old to people in their early 20s -- from every continent except Antarctica. (Though we did publish a story just once from from a writer who was at an Antarctic research station at the time.)
The only thing we won't publish is writing that disparages other members of LGBTQ communities, such as transphobic or biphobic sentiment, etc. (And of course, we prefer good writing ... writing that is clear and moving, or needfully illuminating, or highly entertaining, and so forth.)
Here's a link to our latest weekly Digest, which may give you a better idea: