Hear, hear. The Conservative Christian world is united around one thing right now, and it has nothing to do with anything Jesus taught. They're united around the idea that identifying as LGBTQ is incompatible with Christianity. You can't be gay and a Christian, you can't be trans and a Christian.
They conveniently overlook the fact that they themselves often disagree about what sin is, including the example you brought up about the sin of divorce.
Conservative Christians argue incessantly about definitions of sin. Can you drink alcohol? Is consuming tobacco a sin? What about certain forms of music? Hollywood movies?
But you only rarely find conservative Christians using disagreements like that to define somebody out of Christianity. The divorced elder in your church is presumed to have examined his conscience and made his own decisions about sinfulness.
Conservative Christians do not extend that same grace to us queer people. They are obsessed with defining us out even the possibility of Christianity, without respect to our individual consciences, without respect to their own doctrines of grace, and certainly without respect to the actual teachings of Jesus.