Having experienced other cultures with nudity taboos that do not even approach the US experience, I hear you loud and clear.
I felt shocked as a young man when I moved to Germany and learned public nudity was optionally common in "appropriate" places, like parks, saunas, pools, and beaches. (In some places, it was obligatory, like in saunas, even in mixed-sex environments. I'm not sure how I feel about that.)
Many public facilities lacked changing cubicles because nobody thought twice about just changing in front of everyone. Later, traveling through Scandinavia, I encountered even less aversion to appropriate public nudity. Friends who traveled in Japan at the time told me similar stories.
I'm not saying that we Americans should do things in particular ways just because other people do. That would be far too simplistic. But I do suggest that maybe we should examine our taboos critically. The way you're doing right now. Thanks.