Great points! And you happened to publish this at the perfect time for a rant from me. Speaking of men acting as if they are incapable of controlling themselves sexually…
I got a Facebook notification yesterday. Somebody was commenting on my profile photo. (Which I think is fairly professional and not at all sexually provocative.) “You have such a sexy forehead,” the guy posted. “I want to kiss it all over.”
Creepy much? I thought to myself. I don’t know the guy from Adam, and somehow he thought it would be cool to make a sexualized post about my forehead, and to talk about kissing it. I shuddered a little bit before I blocked him.
Being a man, I get this kind of creepy thing less often than women do. But I still get it. And always from men. Never from women, not once, not one single time in my life.
I don’t want to take away from your point about men disrespecting women, but this idea some men have that they are free to be sexual with people without permission or invitation is probably a big part of men disrespecting women.
It’s astonishing that it’s still so prevalent. Even when I was a kid in school a long time ago, boys were taught not to behave like this. We were taught that making personal remarks to women about body parts and so forth was rude and unacceptable.
But what we were taught could not compete with the powerful examples of peers and family who just kept doing it.
I felt creeped out yesterday by a simple remark by a guy on Facebook I don’t even know. I can only imagine how terrible women feel who have to go through this in person all the time.