Great article, thanks! I've written about Money before in the same context. A real irony in people trying to weaponize his unethical twin experiment is it that it actually demonstrated gender identity was not influenced/influenceable by environmental factors —which is what he had set out to demonstrate.
He was trying to show that you could make someone take on a gender identity by how you socialize them. His experiment failed dramatically.
Trans people are hardly shocked that it didn't work. Trans women and girls often grow up socialized as boys, but that doesn't make them boys. Trans boys and men often grow up socialized as girls, but that doesn't make them girls.
Money's experiment, unethical as it was, tends to demonstrate what trans people have been saying all along. It's hardly proof of anything, given that it's just one set of twins and human beings are far too complex to draw general conclusions from such a limited data set.
However, anti-trans activists using Money to try to prove something are barking up the wrong tree.