Good story, and we all need to be speaking out against these institutions and demanding reparations and consequences for the institutions that ran them.
When I was writing my own story about Indian residential schools in Canada, I ran across this article in the Guardian about a similar school in the United States:
The school, which systematically physically and sexually abused indigenous children, is run by the Catholic Church and up until this day is still raising funds, seemingly proud of torture, sexual abuse, and cultural genocide
South Dakota politicians have passed laws to prevent the victims of the school from seeking monetary damages.
In the meantime, the school administration sees fit to display photos of credibly accused child rapists and torturers on the walls of the institution.
The school is just one example of ongoing horror, and the complicity of evil churches in continuing the atrocities.
If we live in any kind of a just world, one day the Catholic Church will pay crippling punitive damages for the disgusting practices it engaged in and is still engaging in right this minute.
And I must say, I hope it’s not too late to put the nuns and priests who ran these places in prison for the rest of their lives.