Good news, indeed! Conservative America's war on books is so sad and depressing. Who would have ever believed something like this would happen in the 21st century?
Despicable conservatives like Florida's governor are trying their damnedest to take us back to the 1950s or some kind of an imaginary world like the 1950s where only cisgender, straight, fundamentalist Christian men are valuable and worthy of leading society.
They're doing their damnedest to suppress books that present different, diverse ideals.
Furthermore, it's so shocking to me to read about people who literally believe in demonic influences. What superstitious, barbaric fools they are!
Yet Harry Potter joins the Heartstopper graphic novels as banned because "demonic."
I despair!
I'm really encouraged to see sensible people like your friend moving forward despite these grotesque Christian moves to stop people from reading.