From your lips to God's ears! I know conservatives are not actually in large majorities in the United States, but they certainly have disproportionate political power because of the archaic nature of our Senate and the presidential electoral college. Voters in states with very small, conservative population wield more power on the national stage than the good, decent people in larger states who abhor conservatism.
I never would have imagined that that sort of thing would have led to the explosion of conservative evil in the nation today.
I read the other day that a woman recently died because of a law in Georgia banning abortion. Died! Bled out because doctors were afraid of treating her for fear of the law.
And of course, as a queer person, I'm relentlessly aware of a concentrated conservative push to treat me and other queer people like shit.
Just as example, I'm working on a story about the Catholic archdiocese in Denver filing a federal lawsuit so that they can accept taxpayer money to fund preschools while keeping their policy that the children of queer parents may not use the preschools.
They may very well win that lawsuit, and the taxpayers of Colorado will have to pay for anti-queer discrimination. Queer Coloradans will have to pony up to pay for preschools that will explicitly bar their own 4-year-olds from attending.
It's frightening how regressive our nation's values become. I hope with all my heart it's temporary.