From your lips to God's ears! I very much hope you are right, but it just doesn't feel like that right now.
I very much hope the current SK government is shown the door in the next election. I very much hope the legacy of using the Notwithstanding Clause to curtail the human rights (Charter rights!) of queer people doesn't become become the status quo, doesn't become just the ordinary thing to do the next time a conservative politician decides to hurt us.
I never thought such a thing could happen in Canada, but it did, and it looks like it might keep happening for a while.
I don't think anybody expected this anti-LGBTQ backlash to be as fierce and strong as it's become. And I know I for one at least expected that allies would stand up in fierce opposition.
Instead, I see cis/straight people caring less and responding less, as oppression becomes increasingly normalized. Even in Canada.
How does the saying go? The darkest hour comes before the dawn?
I can only hope dawn is close!