Forgive me for commenting on only one narrow issue in your excellent essay, but I just wanted to thank you for your "judeo-christianity" aside.
In my experience, people who speak about Judeo-Christianity as if it were a thing tend to be Christians with profoundly ill informed ideas about what Judaism is as a religion.
I grew up in typical Evangelical Protestant churches, with typical eschatological reverence for the Jews. (Meaning the Rapture and End Times can't happen until the Jews take the temple site in Jerusalem back, etc. So praise Jesus and support Israel, go USA. Ooh Rah.)
The people I went to church with talked about how much they love Judaism, while talking about and teaching about Judaism in ways that were completely ignorant of Judaism. Later in life when I partnered with a Jewish man and began to go to synagogue with him sometimes, I made an acquaintance with the actual religion. I remember once telling a rabbi, "but this is nothing at all like what Christians think you believe."
He blinked and had the good grace not to laugh at me.