Exactly! I'll never forget the time, and this is going back maybe 7 years now, When I briefly established an online friendship with a Catholic nun. She seemed so kind, so sharp, so interesting.
Then one day, she posted an online article about the teachings of the Catholic Church with respect to queer people. She defended teachings that call people like me depraved and disordered. For those who disagree with those abominable teachings, she suggested patience and prayer.
I responded to her immediately, calling her article twisted, sick, foul and disgusting.
She emailed me instead of responding, telling me that communicating with her like that was no way to talk to a friend.
I instantly disabused her of the notion that I can be friends with a pig like her.
Why do so many people dislike Christians? Because so many of them are as disgusting and evil as that depraved nun. I don't know how it's possible for a person to sling her kind of hate speech and then think that the recipient of it could be her friend.
But in my experience, that's what Christians are like. (I don't mean the rare birds of progressive Christianity, btw, I mean the majority of Christians.)
The majority of Christians don't hesitate to morally condemn people like me, often in vicious language like that filthy nun who dared think I was her friend even as she was spreading hatred about people like me.