Every LGBTQ organization and media outlet is beating this drum right now. Political rhetoric has consequences, and violence is the inevitable outcome of the rhetoric that's happening at this moment.
Did you see that four houses caught on fire in Baltimore yesterday after somebody set fire to two Pride flags on the same block I'm at 4:00 in the morning. Three people were hospitalized, one in critical condition.
That's just one "minor" incident in an ongoing, increasing surge of violence.
But politicians on the right are not ramping down their rhetoric. If anything, the last couple days I've seen an uptick in public hate speech by Republicans at the state and federal level.
An informed source told me yesterday that two national LGBTQ organizations have formed a task force to reach out to senior Republican leaders to educate them about the surge in violence that Republican rhetoric is causing, and to ask them to call for something like a ceasefire.
Personally, I'm not expecting anything like a ceasefire to happen, not with elections coming up.