Don’t you dare spout your homophobia at me.
Any religion that claims gay men are “called to celibacy" because they’re gay is a vile, evil, homophobic religion.
If you believe otherwise, you are a foul homophobic bigot.
I’ve had it up to here with Christian homophobes. I’ve had it up to here with their sex shaming and their insistence that LGBTQ people need to not have sex.
Mike Rosebush is a lying sack of shit. He deceived me into thinking he was an affirming Christian when he was actually counseling Christian gay men that being celibate was an appropriate religious choice for them.
I will never communicate with that homophobe again. And he will certainly never be included in Prism & Pen. I’ll do anything I can to stop him from communicating his evil messages.
Prism & Pen writers are good, decent, loving people. We do not and never will tolerate homophobia. End of story, no further discussion.
By the way, don’t you ever dare tell me I don’t understand Christianity. I was raised in it. I know exactly how disgusting most Christians are.
Now get away from me.