Did you miss the part I wrote about loving Christian organizations and people who fully affirm LGBTQ people? I think I emphasized it pretty strongly.
I’m not interested in internecine Christian disputes, however. Whether or not you personally define some people or organizations as Christian is of pretty much zero importance to me or the massive numbers of LGBTQ people self-identified Christians hurt with religion.
I mean, for example, Pope Francis has strengthened the Vatican ban on gay men entering the seminary to train for the priesthood. That makes him a vile bigot in my book, a homophobic piece of shit. I despise him for that and for the fact that the Church he leads labels LGBTQ people as “disordered” and “depraved.” But as far as I know, the Pope is a Christian. Hell, he’s the top Catholic Christian on the planet.
Claiming he isn’t a Christian would just be playing word games.
So would it be to define the Christianity out of the president of the Southern Baptist Convention, who is just as homophobic and and revoltingly bigoted as the Pope.
Going by the numbers, most Christians in the US are OK with hurting people for being LGBTQ. We LGBTQ people must be free to clearly talk about that reality — without playing word games.
It would help if LGBTQ-affirming Christians joined us in stopping the games as they fought to stop the hate in their churches, schools, and associations.