DeSantis has already frightened doctors so much that they're unwilling to perform abortions even in cases of extreme need. I read the following Washington Post story yesterday, also with a Lakeland connection:
It's a heartbreaking read. A mother is carrying a fetus with such severe abnormalities that it cannot survive birth but will probably (not certainly) live until birth.
The mother is grieving awfully, as you can imagine. She had her four-year-old with her the day an ultrasound technician gave away with her facial expression that something was terribly wrong.
When the woman and her husband learned how terrible, they immediately decided on abortion, and as soon as possible. Risk to the mother's health is nontrivial, plus she's emotionally devastated to be pregnant with a fetus that will die either before or almost immediately after birth.
Her doctors won't abort. They're afraid of prison. This is Florida, after all. The mother is making plans to give birth, greet the baby, wrap it in a warm towel and hold it until it dies.
Can you imagine?
This is where we live now, in a nation where cruel religious zealots force their inane beliefs on decent people.
No wonder people are fleeing Florida. No wonder people are scared shitless that Florida's governor may very well become our next president.